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inorganic phosphates การใช้

  • Some glycosyltransferases catalyse transfer to inorganic phosphate or water.
  • ATP is dephosphorylated to ADP and inorganic phosphate.
  • Inorganic phosphate interacts with Lys23, Thr45, Thr47, Thr48, and Gly66.
  • Inorganic phosphate ions are generally attracted towards charged minerals such as iron and aluminium oxides.
  • The gene ANKH is involved in crystal-related inflammatory reactions and inorganic phosphate transport.
  • The reaction has a biochemical standard state nucleophilic inorganic phosphate molecule to form succinyl phosphate.
  • Extracellular inorganic phosphate ( ePi ) has also been identified as a modulator of OPN expression.
  • The formula for inorganic phosphate ( P i ) is HOPO 3 2 " + 2H +.
  • It transfers inorganic phosphate into cells through active transport with the help of a Na + gradient.
  • When they break down into AMP / GMP and inorganic phosphate, these components are non-toxic.
  • The product is adenosine diphosphate ( ADP ) and an inorganic phosphate, orthophosphate ( P i ).
  • ATP hydrolysis yields inorganic phosphate ( Pi ), which can be measured by a simple colorimetric reaction.
  • While phosphorylation is performed by ATPs during preparatory steps, phosphorylation during payoff phase is maintained by inorganic phosphate.
  • IMPase does this by dephosphorylating inositol monophosphate to produce inorganic phosphate and myo-inositol, the precursor to PIP2.
  • Harden and Young noted that this process would restart if an inorganic phosphate ( Pi ) was added to the mixture.
  • In 1942, Straub developed a novel technique for ADP and inorganic phosphate ( which remain bound to the microfilament ).
  • This reaction is irreversible because the pyrophosphate that is formed is hydrolyzed into two inorganic phosphate molecules by the enzyme inorganic pyrophosphatase.
  • After researchers increased blood plasma inorganic phosphate levels in the experimental group of cattle, the appetite for whole bones was suppressed.
  • In those cases where the association is mutualistic, the plant often exchanges hexose sugars for inorganic phosphate from the fungal symbiont.
  • This species has the ability to solubilise inorganic phosphates, this can promote plant growth " Penicillium radicum " produces rugulosin
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